Saturday, March 26, 2011

Iqram 7 Bulan

7-Month-Old Baby

I like that song, mommy! Sing it again…and again…and again…

Source : What to Expact
".........Babies this age love predictability (it makes them feel powerful and secure), so be prepared to croon "Itsy Bitsy Spider" a couple thousand times over the next several weeks. Seven-month-olds alsolove to explore, so expect some serious efforts (or attempts at least) by your little one to get around independently. That means it's time for a thoroughbabyproofing if you haven't already, and time to stay extra-vigilant about what your mini octopus can get his tentacles on...."

Iqram? dia sangat2 sukakan Hi-5... sbb.... bnyak nyanyi2.. lagu rancak2.. n dia suka.... siap tepuk2 tangan lagi...
bab explore : mmg dia suka sgt... paling best, dia suka korek anai2 kat dinding rumah...

By now, your baby might also be able to wave bye-bye, play patty-cake, or blow kisses.

iqram blh la kalo nk babai tu.. dia blh babai... tp version dia.. skali je.. pastu da pndai kiss muah muah da kt pipi ibu.. abis da basahh muka.... sbb tu ibu da x tempek compact powder dah... sbb nnt iqram mkn pulak... hihi...

Along with new skills and burgeoning independence comes a whole new attitude: I want to be in charge of me! Don't be surprised if this shift results in some major meltdowns with Mommy (perhaps the first but certainly not the last!) especially during transition times, e.g., when you walk in the door from work. (Not to worry — there are several strategies to smooth your reentry.)

mcm ada betulnye... kalau kata dia, yes.. suma kena ikot dia... kalo dia ckp nak itu, kena bagi.. kalo x, siap la... mmg kena babap ngn dia... kalo bab makan tu, mmg sudu tu dia nk masukn sdr dlm mulut.. tp comot lah...

Baby's appetite is on the uptick, so snacking now plays a supporting role to the three-meals-a-day plan. And while snacking in moderation is good, grazing (snacking all day with no real meals) is not suggested for a host of reasons, including the fact that grazing interferes with play, sociability, and proper nutrition. Finally, some moms may be wondering about weaning and that's fine.

dia mmg suka makan.. biskut... roti.. sayo... n ape2 lah yg dpt dia capai.. ngappppp saje...

ni yg dia paling suka.... 

n yg paling best.... Iqram masih menyusu susu ibu ~ yeay!!

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